Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Road

A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.
Ecclesiastes 10:2

Each friend is a different road, or direction. Different qualities we have within ourselves shine differently depending on which friend we are with. God, in His infinite wisdom, sometimes needs us to look at something from a different point of view. He can communicate through our friends, if we are listening.
As we go through life, we choose our friends as we also choose which road we will take. As with anything, your destiny lies within your decisions and friends can play an enormous part in this. The influence your friends have is very unique. Remember, you choose your friends; you are not born with them. You determine who you have around at each phase in your life. The point here is that you choose the quality of the interactions you will have, depending on the friends you choose.

Are you having a difficult time with your spouse? Which friend will encourage you to stay and which one will encourage you to leave? Have you been dealt a few crushing blows in your life lately? Which friend will take you to a bar to drown your sorrows and which one will take you to church? Do you need more family time? Which friend will understand and which one will bury you in guilt if you don’t spend more time with them? Do you need a more positive influence in your life? Some friends will use you as an emotional garbage can and dump all of their problems in your lap. Even if you are not on the brink of a major decision, be very careful with whom you spend your time.

Lord, I want all of my relationships to honor You and be in Your will. Please, help me to be a good friend.

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