Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Dog

Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel..
Proverbs 27:9

Old faithful, always there at the right time, doing the right thing…..or busy, busy, busy, in your face constantly needing and demanding attention. I’m talking about different dogs I’ve had in my life, but these words can apply to friends as well.

Dogs adore us no matter what, but they also have different personalities, just like people. When a friend is extremely needy, it usually keeps you from doing what needs to be done in your life, because “he/she” is always there, metaphorically “in your face”. Realizing that sometimes our friends need us, we consent to participating in the overly zealous nature some of our friendships possess. However, helping someone through a hard time and allowing them to depend on you for their happiness are two completely different things. Try very hard to pinpoint the difference. Ask God to show you when and how to help the needy friend. God can help you to wean him/her away from you and help them learn to rely on God instead.

When you are frustrated with you friends more than happy with them, it could mean it’s time to “cut the cord”. Pray for that person, but gently and appropriately remove yourself from the situation. If walking away doesn’t feel right to you, then consider that it is time to examine the un-spoken issues in your friendship. This is not an easy thing to do, but, sometimes, it is God trying to break through to both of you. There are many times, that out of conflict that we find the truth we have been searching for.

Lord, help me to have the courage and wisdom to know when it’s time to walk away and also know when it’s time to dig deeper into a relationship.

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