Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Box

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 10

There are so many hours in the day, so many days in the year, and only so much room for friends in your life. Once your “friend box” is full, you have to start “throwing a few out”, as you find new ones. That seems a little harsh, I know, but it is all metaphorically speaking. The point is that as your life grows and matures, people will come and go. If you have lost a friend, or you choose not be around someone, “it’s all good, it’s all ok”.

Your friends do not define you.
Your relationship with God defines you.

As we navigate through life, hearing from God can come in many different forms. Going to church, studying the Bible, spending time with family and friends, volunteering, working, cleaning, having fun…….God can speak to us in the midst of many different environments. Friends are a vital part of our lives, but keep all relationships in check. Do not rely on them too much, do not try to fix or mend them, or solve all their problems. Be a good listener and discern when you need to spend more time with someone, because they need you, for a season. Make sure your “God I-Pod” is always in tune, meaning, always be listening for the voice of God in all situations. You never know, listening to a friend speak the truth to you, may be God talking directly to you.

Lord, I pray that in all of my relationships, we speak the truth in love and learn from each other. Help me to be a good friend.

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