Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Road

A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.
Ecclesiastes 10:2

Each friend is a different road, or direction. Different qualities we have within ourselves shine differently depending on which friend we are with. God, in His infinite wisdom, sometimes needs us to look at something from a different point of view. He can communicate through our friends, if we are listening.
As we go through life, we choose our friends as we also choose which road we will take. As with anything, your destiny lies within your decisions and friends can play an enormous part in this. The influence your friends have is very unique. Remember, you choose your friends; you are not born with them. You determine who you have around at each phase in your life. The point here is that you choose the quality of the interactions you will have, depending on the friends you choose.

Are you having a difficult time with your spouse? Which friend will encourage you to stay and which one will encourage you to leave? Have you been dealt a few crushing blows in your life lately? Which friend will take you to a bar to drown your sorrows and which one will take you to church? Do you need more family time? Which friend will understand and which one will bury you in guilt if you don’t spend more time with them? Do you need a more positive influence in your life? Some friends will use you as an emotional garbage can and dump all of their problems in your lap. Even if you are not on the brink of a major decision, be very careful with whom you spend your time.

Lord, I want all of my relationships to honor You and be in Your will. Please, help me to be a good friend.

A Dog

Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel..
Proverbs 27:9

Old faithful, always there at the right time, doing the right thing…..or busy, busy, busy, in your face constantly needing and demanding attention. I’m talking about different dogs I’ve had in my life, but these words can apply to friends as well.

Dogs adore us no matter what, but they also have different personalities, just like people. When a friend is extremely needy, it usually keeps you from doing what needs to be done in your life, because “he/she” is always there, metaphorically “in your face”. Realizing that sometimes our friends need us, we consent to participating in the overly zealous nature some of our friendships possess. However, helping someone through a hard time and allowing them to depend on you for their happiness are two completely different things. Try very hard to pinpoint the difference. Ask God to show you when and how to help the needy friend. God can help you to wean him/her away from you and help them learn to rely on God instead.

When you are frustrated with you friends more than happy with them, it could mean it’s time to “cut the cord”. Pray for that person, but gently and appropriately remove yourself from the situation. If walking away doesn’t feel right to you, then consider that it is time to examine the un-spoken issues in your friendship. This is not an easy thing to do, but, sometimes, it is God trying to break through to both of you. There are many times, that out of conflict that we find the truth we have been searching for.

Lord, help me to have the courage and wisdom to know when it’s time to walk away and also know when it’s time to dig deeper into a relationship.

A House

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

We experience things differently with different friends. Each one has his/her unique ability to see things in a new way than you do. To see things through the “window” of your friends’ eyes helps to create a new point of view, which possibly you would have never seen. When we are having a tough time, we can “walk into the living room” of our friends’ soul, and experience a completely different surrounding to look at our circumstance through.

I rely on my friend’s and family’s point of view, maybe more than I should. I love to explain a situation to them and see it from their eyes. I am often surprised by their reaction or feedback. Each person has vastly different life experiences from which to draw, and each person is “right” in their own mind. I have made major decisions from leaning on friends or family to give me their opinion.

My husband, Keith, and I agree on so many things, however, there are some issues that he will see completely the opposite of how I would view it. While this can be frustrating at times, I value it more than I am upset about it.

Much of who I am today is due to the feedback from my husband, friends and family members. I place a very high significance on these relationships and strive to keep them in balance, so they are refreshing in my life, not draining.

Dear God, please help me to ask the right questions and discern the proper answers when talking to friends and family about sensitive matters.


Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
Ephesians 4:25

Friends move in and out of your life like a season. Currently, I am in the “friends with young children” season of my life. If you have a friend that seems distant and you are not as close as you once were, don’t fret. There are reasons certain people are in our life at certain times. You may not know the reason for a long time, but later looking back, you’ll see the logic in the relationship, or lack of relationship.

Or, is it true that the season of fun loving times with a certain friend is over. Possibly you have been hurt by a close friend? Chances are that you have hurt that friend as well. Is it time to explore the left hand column? Is God trying to reveal something to you through the conflict you are having with this friend? Compare the issue with other issues in your life, is there any consistency? If someone is bold enough to speak the truth to you, be tough enough to “take it’. Don’t react, but respond, ponder and pray. You will be angry at first, but the more you think about it, you will most likely hear the voice of God speaking to you through your friend.

You and your “truth speaking friend” may take a reprieve from being close, but chances are when you decide to rekindle your friendship, it will be stronger and healthier, as both of you have grown. A new, brighter season will begin in the chapter of your life, all because you chose to learn and grow, rather than marinate in your woes and problems, thus becoming stagnant. Which will you choose; A bright shiny new season, or stagnation?

Lord, I pray that any complicated relationship I have will be used for good, in that we will find Your will in the process of any conflict.

A Box

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 10

There are so many hours in the day, so many days in the year, and only so much room for friends in your life. Once your “friend box” is full, you have to start “throwing a few out”, as you find new ones. That seems a little harsh, I know, but it is all metaphorically speaking. The point is that as your life grows and matures, people will come and go. If you have lost a friend, or you choose not be around someone, “it’s all good, it’s all ok”.

Your friends do not define you.
Your relationship with God defines you.

As we navigate through life, hearing from God can come in many different forms. Going to church, studying the Bible, spending time with family and friends, volunteering, working, cleaning, having fun…….God can speak to us in the midst of many different environments. Friends are a vital part of our lives, but keep all relationships in check. Do not rely on them too much, do not try to fix or mend them, or solve all their problems. Be a good listener and discern when you need to spend more time with someone, because they need you, for a season. Make sure your “God I-Pod” is always in tune, meaning, always be listening for the voice of God in all situations. You never know, listening to a friend speak the truth to you, may be God talking directly to you.

Lord, I pray that in all of my relationships, we speak the truth in love and learn from each other. Help me to be a good friend.